Sunday, 27 May 2007

They are back! The ghost of time will get you!

The most original band of the last 20 years is back, after a seven-year hiatus, they just performed a come back show in Paris. This is the resurrection of the band that died for rock and roll. Hears to you the smashing pumpkins!

The departure of the band was a little sample of the mayhem that surrounds their entire career, during the 11 eleven years they were together. Amidst all the fight between members, problems with their record label and plastic music rocketing the charts, they managed to release a conceptual album, a double album for free on the internet and perform a 4 hours farewell-show.

Now they are back and better than ever! The few songs I’ve heard made me comeback to the first time I heard then back in 96. A light and shade battle for the real meaning of live, a never ending experimentation of sounds, and a sad machine that never give in “because when you give in, then you give up”.

Hear a little sample of what I am talking about (live and demo version of the songs)


Their 7th album will be released in July 2007 and will be called Zeitgeist (Ghost of time in German). Certainly I will get myself one more chapter of this fantastic story.

Friday, 18 May 2007

When 3 is too much!

The last Spider man movie was the most expensive movie in the history of the industry and failed miserably in achieve its goals of follow one the most sucessful franchise in Holywood. But Peter Park's story does not stand alone in trilogy fiasco, it is just on more in an endless list that includes X-men, Matrix, Back to the future, Terminator, among others. This makes one wonder if it is worth to go to the theaters to see other movies sequals.

One of the main problem with those trilogies is that they were not planned to be one. The Hollywood producers think that is just enough to put new enemies, more special effects, some week storylines and everything will fall into place. However, in order to be a sequence the history must be interconnected, it must be a reason why you should spend a 2hours in a unconfortable chair other than make producers richier.

Regardless of the unfairness of comparisson the most sucessful franchises in the movie history were The Lord of the ring and Star Wars. Both movies have something in common they were writen as one piece, that for logistic mather were divide in three or six parts. That way you can garantee that in all parts you have the same level of quality and that every chapter builds in the expectation to the next one. If you just keep adding plots that have no relation other than happening with same charaters, you are just giving more of the same, and that is just boring.

Hoppefuly, the producer of Pirates of Caribean have noticed how important it is to have some coherence. Despite the fact that the trilogy was not planned to be, they were clever enough to create a story that actualy need a third movie to be told. That is why a think that still some hope of seen a sequal this year that actualy make you want to see the names at the end of it.