Friday, 13 July 2007

The almight Smashing Pumpkins

The best album of the year is out and it rocks!!!
Hear are the highliths of this record.

1- Doomsday clock
A crunch-bone-heavy-metal song that will make you want to bang your head on the wall.
A new characteristic from this new pumpkin formation is the background
vocal that have improved a hundred time and this song has a lot of good background vocals.

3 - Bleeding Orchid
With a multi-vocal intrduction, the dramatic and heartful mood of the song is introduced. This is one of those songs that has it all: powerful guitars, variated druming, killer vocals and good lyrics.

5 - Tarantula
Heavy and fast! With good vocals and a bluesy feel on it. It has hitted big on the radio.

7 - United State
A marathon of lound guitars and tribal druming with a colossal ending (if you won't hear the complete song at least hear the last 2 minutes)

Those are the songs that should be highlighted on this album. Pick up yours and have fun!

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