Monday 17 September 2007

The only Secret!

During the Rugby World Cup 07 one moment caught my attention; Portugal’s rugby players singing their national anthem. They lost to Scotland (56 x 10) and New Zealand (108 x 13), but they played with their heart during every second of the game. They are amateurs playing against professional, yet if you look to the origin of the world amateur – lover in old French – I can see why it is worth to watch their game.

When have most of the people lost their passion for what they do? People who killed that little inner-child that wanted to be a fireman just because their parents told them they couldn’t make a few bucks out of it. But is this a good trade-off? Do something that is a torture for you just to make ends meet does not seem a good deal to me.

People are most of the time badly informed and end up making decisions supported on poor and misleading information. In order to support young and why not mature people to make a more conscious decision about what to do with their life a real cool site appeared on the web - Ikwa. They are currently in beta but soon enough people will be able to access some of its content that will allow people to make a more conscious decision regarding their career planning.

You should always be passionate about what you do and that is the only secret to be happy. Simple as life should be.

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